

Krazy George’s book is available in both Printed and Kindle versions.

Krazy George is available for book signing. Click here to contact him.

Krazy George made the world stand up and cheer. His autobiography is the good-natured, factual, and humorous account of how he transformed himself from George Michael Henderson, a shy Clark Kent to Krazy George, the leather-lunged firebrand he is today. Armed with just his unamplified voice and his drum, he invented the most celebrated fan participation cheer in the world, The Wave, also known as La Mexican Ola. In the process he created a brand-new career as the world’s only full-time, lifelong professional cheerleader.

BACKCOVERTwenty-five million people have allowed Krazy to lead them in stadium-wide roars of excitement. Over a hundred major and minor league teams have hired him, often for multi-year contracts – teams like the Kansas City Chiefs, the Minnesota Vikings, the Houston Oilers, the Oakland A’s, the San Jose Earthquakes major league soccer, the British Columbia Lions – Canadian football, and the USA World Cup Soccer team.

At a time when fans were polite and sedate, Krazy George put the twelfth man on steroids. The NFL’s 1989 Crowd Noise rule was aimed at shutting down both George and the crowd. Clearly they didn’t succeed. Even today, you may not see George at your game but his manic presence is there.

Sports’ aficionados or anyone else desiring to learn more about this fascinating character and his unique forty-year career will delight in this wild and krrr-a-zzz-y guy’s vivid anecdotes of the unanticipated, behind-the-scenes events, that enabled him to catapult himself into the mega-sports’ entertainment business. And yes, he’s Still Krazy After All These Cheers.

Krazy George: Still Krazy After All These Cheers – Book Preview